Biodata Ángel Felices Lago

Ángel Felices Lago has been Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences (UGR: University of Granada) since 1995. He took a M.A. degree in English (1983), Romance Languages (1984) and French (1988) at the UGR and received his PhD in English Philology at the same university in 1991. He teaches English for business and tourism at the Faculty of Economics since 1984, Spanish for economics at the Centre for Modern Languages since 1991 and graduate and Ph D courses at the Department of English and German Philology since 1995. He has taught discipline-related terminology or communication issues in English or Spanish in other Master`s degrees: Finance and Banking, Tourism Management, Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at the UGRand Teaching/Learning Spanish language and Culture in cooperation with the Spanish Embassy at Washington, D.C. He was Associate Dean for International Relations at the Faculty mentioned above from 1992 to 2001 and Director of the Centre for Modern Languages from May 2001 to January 2008. He currently leads the research project entitled “Creation of a terminological subontology in a multilingual context (English, Italian,Spanish) on criminal law: international cooperation against terrorism and organized crime based on FunGram Knowledge Base”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2010-15983), 2011-2013.

His main areas of research interest go from lexicology and terminology to axiological linguistics, didactics applied to languages for specific purposes and cross-cultural business communication. He has given plenty of plenary lectures, participated in various post-graduate courses or conducted seminars in universities and academic institutions from Spain (Alcalá, Córdoba, Jaén, Málaga, Madrid (UPM), Pamplona (UPN), Santander (Menéndez Pelayo)), and abroad (Bratislava, Katowice-Sosnowiecz (Poland), Moknine (Tunisia), Montreal, Moscow, Nador (Morocco), Nijmegen-HES Rotterdam, Prague, Pune (India), Santiago de Chile, Sao Paulo, Swansea or Vienna). He has co-authored or co-edited scholar and pedagogical books or textbooks such as Españolpara el comerciointernacional (Madrid, Edinumen, 1998), En el mundo de los negocios (multimedia textbook, CD-Rom and video in cooperation with the University of Economics at Bratislava, 2001), Cultura y negocios: el español de la economíaespañola y latinoamericana (Madrid, Edinumen, 2003), Current trends of languages for specific purposes in an international and multicultural context. (Granada, Universidad, 2004), EmpresaSiglo XXI (Madrid, Edinumen, 2009) or New Applications of Genre Analysis to Technical Manuals: The Perspective of Bhatian and Lassen Models. Lewiston, (New York: Edwin Mellen, 2012). He has also published over 80 scholarly articles and reviews which have appeared in specialised national and international journals (RESLA, RevistaCanaria de EstudiosIngleses, Quaderns de Filologìa, Ibérica, LSP and Professional Communication, Hermes, ForoHispánico, UnescoAlsed-LSP Newsletter, LebendeSprachen, Linguistic Insights, Studies in Language Companion Series, etc.) and books (book chapters) published in well-known publishing companies (Peter Lang, John Benjamins, Rodopi, Franco Angeli, Vox-Biblograf, Foris-IFOTT, Edwin Mellen etc.).

He is also the head of a research group: Languages applied to professional and academic contexts, funded by the Regional Government of Andalucia (HUM 641), has directed a doctoral dissertation, a few Master`s thesis and is currently directing two more PhD dissertations. In cooperation with universities from various European countries, he is co-directing or has co-directed several academic projects funded by the European Commission in TEMPUS, LEONARDO and SOCRATES-ERASMUS programmes. The research or activities done were related to LSP in the area of business, training in cross-cultural business relations or curricula developments. He has participated in four research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education- DGICYT (PB nº 222, PB 94/0437) and the Junta de Andalucía (Project 541 A-609 and project 1321). He ismember of the editorial or international advisory boards of peer-reviewed journals such asMediterranean Studies(Penn State Press and Mediterranean Studies Association), Ibérica (European Association of LSP), Materialespara la enseñanza multicultural (Spanish Embassy in Washington, DC), Ideas (Heilbronn, Germany), CizíJazyky(Brno, Rep. Checa) or Odisea(University of Almería).

In addition to research activity, since 2002 he has chaired 3 international conferences (Mediterranean Studies 2002 Conference, 2nd AELFE Conference (2004) and 2nd FIAPE Conference (2007)). He also was elected asAssociate President of AELFE (European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes) from December 1996 to June 2001 and appointed asInstitutional Coordinator at the Universidad de Granada for the Pilot project ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) from1992 to 2001.


Sample of publications

Books and editions

  • LENGHARDTOVÁ, Jana; FELICES LAGO, Ángel et alii (2001) En el mundo de los negocios.(Textbook, CD-Rom, video, workbook). Bratislava: Ekonomickáuniverzita v Bratislave.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel; CALDERÓN, Mª Ángeles; IRIARTE, Emilio; NÚÑEZ, Emilia (2003 [2nd ed. 2010]): Cultura y negocios. El español de la economía española y latino-americana. Madrid: Edinumen.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel y SANZ SÁINZ, Inmaculada (2004) [Editors]: Current trends of languages for specific purposes in an international and multicultural context.Granada: Universidad.
  • IRIARTE, Emilio; NÚÑEZ, Emilia; FELICES LAGO, Ángel [Coordinator] (2009): Empresa Siglo XXI. El español en el ámbito profesional. Madrid: Edinumen.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel; FERNÁNDEZ LLORET, Diana (2012): New Applications of Genre Analysis to Technical Manuals: The Perspective of Bhatian and Lassen Models. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen. (Foreword:Inger Lassen, U. de Aalborg)


Book chapters

  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (1999) "La Axiología Aplicada: Ejemplo del Desarrollo Clasemático a partir del Modelo Lexemático-Funcional", Estudios funcionales sobre léxico, sintaxis y traducción. Un homenaje a Leocadio Martín Mingorance. Mª José Feu Guijarro y Silvia Molina Plaza (eds.). Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, pp. 125-138.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2002) "Axiological Analysis of Brand Names Related to Drugs, Tobacco, Domestic and Household Appliances", A Life in Words (A miscellany celebrating twenty-five years of association between the English Department of Granada University and MervynSmale (1977-2002)).Margarita Carretero González, Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio, Neil McLaren, Graeme Porte (eds.). Granada: Universidad, pp. 169-180.
  • FERNÁNDEZ MORALES, Cándida y FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2005) “A proposal to apply a new methodological approach to the teaching of reading texts in ESP contexts”, Languages for Academic and Professional Purposes in the 21st Century University Framework.Alejandro Curado, Mercedes Rico y otros (eds.). Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, pp. 163-172.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2005) “Del ESP (English forSpecificPurposes) al EFE (Español para Fines Específicos): Influencias desde la esfera anglosajona y panorama de esta especialidad en España”, Towardsanunderstanding of the English language: Past, present and Future. Studies in Honour of Fernando Serrano. José Luis Martínez-Dueñas, Carmen Pérez, Neil McLaren y Luis Quereda (eds.). Granada: Universidad, pp. 61-72.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2006): “La codificación del parámetro axiológico en la terminología financiera y de inversión: el español y el portugués frente a la influencia del inglés”, Nuevas tendencias en el discurso de especialidad.MariaVittoriaCalvi y Luisa Chierichetti (eds.). LinguisticInsights, vol. 50. (Studies in Language and Communication). Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 203-222.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2008): “Las cualidades demandadas al solicitante de empleo en español frente al inglés: análisis semántico-axiológico de las ofertas de trabajo en la prensa española”, Lingue, culture, economia. Comunicazione e pratichediscorsive. MariaVittoriaCalvi, Giovanna Mapelli, Javier Santos López (eds.). Milán: Franco Angeli, pp. 95-110.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel, CORRAL HERNÁNDEZ, Ana (2008): “Axiological analysis of print advertisements related to ecological issues in The Economist”, Studies in honour of Neil McLaren, A man for all seasons.Ángeles Linde, Juan Santana, Celia Wallhead (eds.). Granada, Universidad, pp. 177-190.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2010): “Teaching and research in Business English: a descriptive approach to the Spanish context”, Professional English in the European Context: The EHEA Challenge.ÁngelesLindeLópez&RosalíaCrespo Jiménez (eds.). Linguistic Insights (Studies in Language and Communication), vol. 109.  Berna: Peter Lang, pp. 81-102.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2010): “Axiological Analysis of Entries in a Spanish Law Dictionary and their English Equivalents”, Researching Language and the Law: Textual Features and Translation Issues.Davide Simone Giannoni& Celina Frade (eds.). Linguistic Insights  (Studies in Language and Communication), vol. 121. Berna: Peter Lang, pp. 179-198.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel; CORTÉS DE LOS RÍOS, Mª Enriqueta (forthcoming): “The implementation of the axiological parameter in FunGramKB: the case of the #EVENT subontology”, Evaluation in context. Laura Alba-Juez& Geoff Thompson (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel,  UREÑAGÓMEZ-MORENO, Pedro (in preparation): “FunGramKB Term Extractor: a key instrument for building a satellite ontology based on a specialized corpus”, Language processing and grammars: The role of functionallyoriented computational models (SLCS), (Studies in Language Series). Brian Nolan & Carlos Periñán-Pascual (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.



  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2000) "Revisión crítica de la enseñanza de los tecnolectos empresariales en España", LebendeSprachen (ZeitschriftfürfremdeSprachen in Wissenschaftund Praxis). XLV. Nr 2/2000, pp. 75-78.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2003) "Reformulation of the Domain-Level Semantic Pattern of Axiological Evaluation in the Lexicon of English", Hermes-Journal of Linguistics, no. 30-2003, pp. 179-198.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2004) "Parámetros para la orientación temática en el discurso prototípico de la economía sectorial", Foro Hispánico (Revista Hispánica de Flandes y Holanda), 26, pp. 99-115.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel y HEWITT, Elaine (2004) "Personal Qualities of Applicants in Job Advertisements: Axiological and Lexical Analysis of Samples in English from the Spanish Press",LSP and Professional Communication, Vol. 4, n. 2, October 2004, pp. 8-27.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel (2005) "La teoría y la práctica en el desarrollo de la lengua para fines específicos en E/LE: revisión crítica de los logros de la última década", Quaderns de filologia. Serie EstudisLingüístics, vol. X: Las lenguas de especialidad: Nuevas perspectivas de investigación. Mª Amparo Olivares Pardo and Francisca Suau Jiménez (eds.). Valencia: Universidad, pp. 81-97.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel; CORTÉS DE LOS RÍOS, Mª Enriqueta (2009): “A cognitive-axiologicalapproachtoprint eco-advertisements in TheEconomist: theenergy sector underscrutiny”, Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 4/2009, pp. 59-78.
  • FELICES LAGO, Ángel; UREÑA GÓMEZ-MORENO, Pedro; ALAMEDA HERNÁNDEZ, Ángela (2011): “FunGramKB y la adquisición terminológica”, Anglogermánica Online 2011, vol. 8. Periñán Pascual, Carlos and González Vergara, Carlos (eds.),pp. 66-86.


Contact Info

Ángel Miguel Felices Lago
Universidad de Granada
Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Campus de Cartuja s/n
18071 Granada, Spain
Tel.: (+34)-958-24 40 87.
Mobile: (+34)619-311 768