2nd meeting of the DISSE Working Group

The second meeting of the DISSE Working Group was held at the UNED in Madrid on June 18th, 2008. Our colleagues from Castellón, Castilla-La Mancha, Centro Universitario Villanueva, Córdoba, UAM and UNED presented the results of their research on the elaboration of several lexical entries in Spanish with an enriched format which includes both semantic and syntactic information.
We have asked the Lexicom Group to create a DISSEwiki with limited access for the members working on this project.

The third meeting will take place after summer. Meanwhile, we continue to work on our entries and share the results through the DISSEwiki in order to get feedback from our colleagues. Two more entries, SABER and CONOCER are going to be dealt with by our colleagues from Castilla-La Mancha.