Biodata Ricardo Mairal

Ricardo Mairal has been a Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages at the Distance National University (UNED) since 2002. His main areas of research interest are the lexical architecture of the English lexicon, the representation of lexical knowledge, linguistic universals and the interactions between lexical semantics, syntax and morphology with particular reference to theoretical models, both formal and functional. He has been the head of various research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Regional Government of Madrid (DGICYT PB 94/0437, 06/HSE/0132/2004, HUM2005-02870/FILO) and he has additionally participated in other projects (DGICYT PB 90/0222, FEDER 2FD97-1062-C02-02, DGES PB 98/1342, BFF2002-00659) that deal with various aspects of language research like terminology, the compilation of lexical representations and linking mechanisms in Old English, natural language processing and the development of lexical databases for lexicography.

Throughout his career his teaching has centered on English grammar, semantics, lexicology and syntax and he has participated as an invited Professor in several doctoral programmes at other universities including the University of Córdoba, La Laguna, Castilla La Mancha, La Rioja, A Coruña, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Méjico as well as in the research foundation the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset (Madrid). He has also lectured extensively as keynote speaker at national and international conferences of Applied and Theoretical Linguistics, e.g. the International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos, Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada, and other research institutions, e.g. University of Leipzig, Dublin, Brigham Young, and Andrés Bello among other places. He has directed nine doctoral dissertations.

He has co-authored or co-edited the following books including: Nuevas perspectivas en Gramática Funcional (Ariel, 1999), awarded the Nation Research Price AEDEAN 1999, Constructing a lexicon of English verbs (Mouton de Gruyter, 1999), New Perspectives on Argument Structure in Functional Grammar (Mouton de Gruyter, 2002), En torno a los universales lingüísticos (Cambridge University Press, 2003), Linguistic Universals (Cambridge University Press), in addition to over fifty scholarly articles which have appeared in specialised national and international journals (Studies in Language, Peter Lang, John Benjamins, Rodopi, Frank & Timme Verlag etc.). In addition to his own research activity, he has served as a scientific committee member for several specialised journals Cuadernos de Investigación Filología from the University of La Rioja, Atlantis, RESLA, Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense, Revista de Estudios de Lingüística Española (EliEs); Functions of Language (John Benjamins), etc. He has done occasional review work for Cognitive Linguistics and has also been a member of the advisory committee of various editions of the International Role and Reference Grammar Conferences. He is the founder and director of the Research Center ACTUALing (Center for the development and analysis of Clinical, Technological and Linguistic applications).



A sample of publications

Books and editions

  • Faber, P. and R. Mairal 1999 Constructing a lexicon of English verbs. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Mairal Usón, R. y M. J. Pérez Quintero (eds.). 2002. New Perspectives on Argument Structure in Functional Grammar. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter..
  • Mairal, R. y J. Gil (eds.) 2003. En torno a los universales lingüísticos. Cambridge University Press.
  • Mairal, R. y J. Gil (eds.) 2006. Linguistic Universals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapters

  • Cortés Rodríguez, F. y Mairal Usón, R. 2002. “A preliminary design for a historical dictionary of Old English based on syntactic principles”. In J. Díaz Vera (ed.). A Changing World of Words: Diachronic approaches to English Lexicology and Semantics. Rodopi, pp. 3-46.
  • Mairal Usón, R. y P. Faber. 2002. “Functional Grammar and Lexical Templates”. In R. Mairal y M.J. Pérez Quintero (eds.) New perspectives on predicate argument structure in Functional Grammar. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 41-98.
  • Faber, P. y R. Mairal Usón 2003. “Representación léxica y esquemas léxicos”. In M. Antonia Martí Antonín, A. Fernández Montraveta y Glòria Vázquez García (eds.) Lexicografía computacional y semántica. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, págs. 35-59.
  • Mairal Usón, R. y J. Gil Fernández 2003. “Los universales lingüísticos: pasado y presente”. In R. Mairal Usón y J. Gil Fernández (eds.) En torno a los universales lingüísticos. Cambridge University Press, págs. 9-88.
  • Cortés, Rodríguez, F. y R. Mairal Usón. 2004. “La formación de palabras, de nuevo, como encrucijada: la interfaz semántica-morfología-sintaxis-fonología en el Modelo de Gramáticas Léxicas”. In Wotjak, G. y Cuartero Otal, J.: Algunos problemas específicos de la descripción sintáctico-semántica. Berlín, Frank & Timme Verlag, págs. 159-174.
  • Mairal Usón, R. 2004. “La reglas léxicas en la Gramática del Papel y la Referencia”. In Wotjak, G. y Cuartero Otal, J.: Algunos problemas específicos de la descripción sintáctico-semántica. Berlín, Frank & Timme Verlag., págs. 175-196.
  • Mairal Usón, R. y J. Gil 2006. “A First Look at Linguistic Universals”. In R. Mairal Usón and J. Gil Fernández (eds.). (in press). Linguistic Universals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Guest, E. y R. Mairal Usón 2007. “Building a computational lexicon for automatic translation: a preliminary discussion”. En P. Fuertes (ed.). Problemas lingüísticos de la traducción especializada. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, pp. 197-226.
  • Mairal Usón, R. y F. Cortés 2006. ‘An outline of Role and Reference Grammar’. In R. Mairal et al. (eds.) Current Trends in Linguistic Theory. Madrid: UNED, pp. 97-175.


  • Mairal Usón R. and F. Cortés. 2002. “Semantic packaging and syntactic configurations in word formation processes: the case of agent nominalizations”. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (R.E.S.L.A.) 14 (2000-2001), pp. 271-295.
  • Mairal Usón, R. 2003. “Why the notion of lexical template”. En Anglogermánica online 2002-1. ISSN: 1695-6168.
  • Mairal, R. 2005 “Sobre la naturaleza de los primitivos semánticos”. En Ad Amical Amicisiime Scripta. Homenaje a la Profesora María José López de Ayala y Genovés. Volumen II. Madrid: UNED, pp. 245-254.
  • Mairal Usón, R. 2006. “Plantillas léxicas, construcciones y reglas de enlace”. Filología y Lingüística. Estudios ofrecidos a Antonio Quilis. Volumen I. Madrid: CSIC, UNED, Universidad de Valladolid, págs. 559-574.
  • Guest, E. y R. Mairal 2006. “Lexical representation based on a universal semantic metalanguage”. In RAEL, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. ISSN 1885-9089, Nº. 4, 2005, pp. 125-173.
  • Ruiz de Mendoza, F. y R. Mairal 2006. “Lexical representation and constructions: bridging the gap between the constructional and process models of grammar”. En Carretero, Marta; Hidalgo Downing, Laura; Lavid, Julia; Martínez Caro, Elena; Neff, JoAnne; Pérez de Ayala, Soledad and Sánchez-Pardo, Esther, eds. (2006). A Pleasure of Life in Words: A Festschrift for Angela Downing. Madrid: Universidad Complutense., pp 107-134
  • Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. and Mairal Usón, R.. 2007. ‘High-level metaphor and metonymy in meaning construction’. En Günter Radden, Klaus-Michael Köpcke, Thomas Berg y Peter Siemund. (eds.) Aspects of Meaning Construction in Lexicon and Grammar. Ámsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 33-49.
  • Ruiz de Mendoza, F. y R. Mairal (2006). "Levels of semantic representation: where lexicon and grammar meet". Revista Interlingüística. nº 17, 2006. ISSN: 1134-8941.


Contact Info

Ricardo Mairal Usón
Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas
Faculty of Philology
C / Senda del Rey 7
Madrid 28040, Spain
Tel.: (+34) 91-3986819
Fax: (+34) 91-3988186