Biodata Xianglan Chen

Xianglan Chen is professor in the School of International Studies at the University of Interna­tional Business and Economics (UIBE). Her main research interests include eye-tracking, cog­nitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, business English, advertising and teaching. She has been head of over 30 research projects, including National Planning Funds of Philosophy and Social Science (project number nBYY010), the National Post Doctor Association (project number 20070420267), Ministry of Education(project number:09YJA740022) and Planning Funds of Beijing Key Project of Philosophy and Social Science (project number 16YYA005). She is often invited to conferences both in China and other countries and has also organized conferences several times. She has published 70 articles, more than half of which have appeared in the key journals of China and in international journals. She has three monographs, one of which got the Second-Prize for the 7th Outstanding Achievement Award from the Ministry of Education, which is the highest and national level award for social science in China.